I took a quick look today over at ESPN.com's
free agent tracker, to see which starting pitchers were left for Omar to pick over on the
scrap heap. Included in this chart is each pitcher's 2006 Win Shares Above Bench. A pitcher with a WSAB of zero is a bench player; it looks to me like these options aren't any better than what we've got internally.
I've got some more thoughts on pitching rotations, and how good the #4 and #5 starters need to be; actually, I've been thinking about this for a long time, but Jeff Sackmann does a good job talking about it
here and
here. God, I fucking love the
Hardball Times.
Has anybody expressed any interest in poor Steve Trachsel? Boy, he could
not have looked worse than he did in his final playoff start. Played himself right out of a contract with
somebody. Remind me, I need to write up my defense of Steve Trachsel sometime soon. He might not be a bad sixth option for some team. The Mets'll never take him, though; Willie hates him.