95 Theses

At some point, vis-a-vis my last post, and soon I think, people will either describe themselves as Ecksteinians, or Sabermetricians; the same way we've got Catholics and Protestants.
Obviously, Moneyball is the 95 Theses nailed to the door of this Church of Baseball; and I think we all know what side of this heresy I'm on. My point here is that, whether or not you agree with Moneyball, or think it's some kind of nerd porn sent from Al-Qaeda to corrupt the American game; everyone should agree that it's the most important baseball book written since Ball Four.
Look, Joe Morgan: just because a book is important doesn't necessarily mean that you agree with it. One could make the case that Adolph Hitler was the most important man of the 20th century; that doesn't mean that I necessarily agree with him.
Not that I think Billy Beane is Hitler or anything.
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